Wednesday, October 20, 2010

All My Sons Prediction: After the Ending

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After Chris's father is taken to jail, I still believe that Ann and Chris would have gotten married. Ann came off to me as a person who had made peace with the past and was ready for her future. Chris probably would still have had feelings of guilt because of what his father had done and because of what his father had done to Ann's father, but he really loved Ann, so he would have gotten married to her. I think Chris would have gotten rid of his father's company and house and moved to New York because he was already thinking of moving to New York before he learned of his father's behavior during the war and that catastrophe would have only made him more determined to follow through on that decision. Chris might have cut off communication between him and his father like Annie had done with hers. Chris and his father seemed really close, but I think their relationship suffered a huge break.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


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This photo is a good representation of night because the ones who didn't know anything about the concentration camps were living in the light and hadn't experieced what total darkness was: a world without hope, faith and the goodness of people. Everything bad that happens to Eli during the Holocaust happens during the Night. In the bible when God created the heavens, the earth was in darkness, which is a symbol of a world without God. Eli questions whether God even exists when he can let such awful things happen. Night is also a metamorphosis of how Eli's thoughts turn evil in the novel ( a darkness of the soul). The reality of night to Wiesel meant the silence of apathy, the wordlessness of the bystanders who knew the truth of Hitler's death camps, but who took no action, and made no objection to the Nazi's extermination plan.


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This symbol of fire is adequate for the novel Night because physically and mentally everything in the world went up into flames for the Jews and the other victims of the Holocaust. To the Jewish religion fire was associated with God and divine wrath, but they hadn't done anything wrong. The Nazis used fire to exterminate them and to get rid of the remains (evidence) against them. It upset Eli's concept of the universe and his faith in God.

The Importance of Father-Son Bonds

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This photo reminded me of Eli and his father because in their relationship Eli had a pretty high opinion of his dad. Throughout the novel that changes and he starts to look out for his father instead of the father looking out for Eli. Eventually Eli questions himself as to whether or not he would ever leave his father, he decides that he would never do that, even though he thinks of doing exactly that in the end of the novel. He loved his father, but in the end he knew that his father wouldn't make it and to survive he distanced himself emotionally and physically from his father.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Inhumanity Toward Other Humans

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This photo excellently describes Eli's disillusionment withe the world which resulted from his painful experience with Nazi persecution, but also from the cruelty he sees fellow prisoners inflict on each other. Eliezer also becomes aware of the cruelty of which he himself is capable. Everything he experiences in the war shows him how horribly people can treat one another—a revelation that troubles him deeply.
Elie first witnesses inhumanity toward other humans when the Germans start shipping his town of Sighet off to the camps. The Germans put the Jews in their synagogue and keep them in their until the train comes during that time the Jews had to desecrate their own synagogue because the Germans didn't let them out. It really hit Eli though what humans can do to each other when he witnessed babies burning. He found out what he capable of when he considered leaving his father and didn't stand up for his father when the Germans were beating him.


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I think this photo does an adequate job of explaining how that if you keep your silence when something is happening then it kills people.

Eli didn't know anything about the death camps in 1944 because people had kept silent. The Germans didn't talk about what they were doing to political prisoners, gays, and Jews and hardly anyone ever escaped the camps. The people surrounding the camps didn't say anything about the death camps because maybe they believed in the extermination of the Jews or maybe they didn't want to be killed themselves. Whatever the case maybe the silence resulted in six million deaths.

Eliezer’s Struggle to Maintain Faith in a Benevolent God

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Survivors of the Holocaust had to rebuild their lives and their very reasons for living; so much was shattered by the Holocaust. The Jewish faith was an intricate part of what they had lost during the Holocaust. This photo represents Eli's railing against a God which he starts to believe does not exist.
Throughout the novel Night Eli struggles with his relationship with God. He loves and adores God in the beginning and even cries when he is praying. As Night goes on however he starts to question and then starts to renounce God. Eli doesn't believe that God would do nothing to help him. And even now questions why he was saved out of all those people who were killed.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


It's time for finals and I'm not ready at all. I opted out of my Physics and Film Literature finals. But I'm taking my U.S. History, Speech, Introduction to Piano, Precalculus, and Economics finals. My U.S. History final is already over. It was horrible I got so nervous and I had a really sore throat too. I'm taking my Introduction to Piano and precalculus finals tomorrow. I'm so nervous about my precalc final, I honestly don't remember much from this semester. The economics final will be easy, but the speech will be really hard to memorize.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

English Academic Team Competition

Robert F. Kennedy
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Martin Lither King Jr.
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I'm ready for our Academic Team Competition. I had a meeting yesterday for English Academic Team and I believe we're going to do well. We're studying "An American Generation from 1964-1980". It involves literature from that time period like the Martin Luther King Jr. speech from Birmingham Jail, Birmingham, Alabama, Nixon's Resignation speech, Robert F. Kennedy's speech on the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X: "The Ballot or the Bullet" speech and Jimmy Carter's "Crisis in Confidence" speech. My thing that I had to be really good at were the speeches and I'm planning on rereading them before the competition. I've liked studying these speeches because it gives me an in-depth look at United States history and the people that have made the United States what it is today.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Traveling Over Spring Break and Over the Summer

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Over Spring Break I'm planning to go with people from church down to New Orleans to help build houses that were destroyed by Katrina. I have gone down there before, last year with my dad, but I think I'll get a lot more out of it this time because I'm older and I appreciate what I have more. I think it will also be a lot more fun because I'm going with a larger group this time, with people my age and who I know a bit, but can get to know better.

During summer vacation, my family and I will be going to Holland to visit my grandparents and cousins. I don't know how long we'll be going but I know it'll be at least a week. I don't see my aunt, uncle, grandparents, and cousins often so it'll be nice to see them. It'll also be nice to explore Holland as an adult instead of as a little kid.

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When I think of the Netherlands I think of tulips and canals. Probably not what most people think of, but I like tulips.

My Favorie Movies and TV Shows

This past year I've been watching a lot of movies. My type of movie is a romantic comedy like What Women Want starring Mel Gibson or a science fiction movie like Transformers or Transformers Revenge of the Fallen. Another science fiction, romantic movie that I really liked was the Time Traveler's Wife. I thought it was hilarious and sad at the same time.

I really love movies with Pierce Brosnan in them. He is so hot. He used to be James Bond for a time and I have some of those movies and I also have the movie The Thomas Crown Affair which was awesome, especially in the end when the museum curators realize they have the original piece of artwork that was "supposedly stolen".

Books, Books, and More Books

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Fantastic Fiction

I have several favorite authors. Right now, I love to read Judith McNaught's books. I have read almost all of her books. My favorite one right now is Paradise. It is a modern day romance fairytale, but the guy is Cinderella, not literally, but Matthew comes from poorer roots, while Meredith is really rich. Her dad splits them up and they hate each other for years, until they finally meet again and realize they're not divorced. Long story, but very good. There are some boring parts, but there are some funny parts too.

Another book of hers that I really like is called Perfect and is also part of Judith McNaught's modern day series. Julie is a teacher getting supplies in Texas when her car gets a "flat tire", not really because Zack slit it with his knife. Zack is a criminal who is on the run and "kidnaps" Julie. They eventually fall in love and it becomes another great book by Judith McNaught.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Speech Class

This semester I'm taking Speech class with a very nice teacher. I decided to take speech because I need to be able to express myself in front of a crowd. My grade is where I want it to be it could always be a little higher but I get nervous when giving a speech and that affects the grade you get. Speech has been okay so far, but I think it's going to get worse. I'm memorizing a three minute speech right now and I'm not doing too well.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Busy Saturday~Not Really

This past weekend my parents went up to Indianapolis and left me with my brother, the house, dogs, and horses. They left Friday night and stayed till Saturday night. So Saturday morning I had to get up early and drive out to where the horses are with my brother and the dogs then I had to go back out there in the afternoon.

The good thing was that my parents left $20.00 so my brother and I went to McDonald's in the morning. Then we lazed the rest of the day away at home because Saturday is our sleep in day.

Precalculus & Physics

I really am starting to dislike Precalculus. I used to love math. I still do, but now it's tempered by an extreme dislike of sine, cosine, and tangent graphs. For tests, we have to pick which graph the equation is and I don't understand any of it. I have cliffnotes, Precalculus, Trigonometry, and Calculus and I have other help books, but I still don't understand how to graph sine, cosine, and tangent.

I am never going into anything that involves Physics. This past year I've been taking Physics and it's been a struggle. Sometimes I understand Precalculus and then I don't understand Physics and other days its the complete opposite. I understand Physics better than Precalculus right now, but you have to understand everything that can affect the problem. I'm glad I took Physics because now I know that I never want to be in a job that involves Physics.

Schedule for Senior Year

I recently just had to pick classes for my senior year. I picked Calculus AP AB DC, Business and Personal Law, Government, Personal Finance, Chemistry 2, Medical Terminology DC, Anatomy and Phisology, Psychology DC and Sociology DC. I put down Novels, British Literature, Dramatic Literature, Biology 2, and Accouting as my alternates.
I'm completely done with English classes since I took Debate, Twentieth Century Literature, and Advanced English Composition DC last semester. This semester I'm taking Film Literature and Speech Dual Credit. I'm taking Precalculus right now so I don't need another math credit, but I decided to take Calculus anyway because it's dual credit. I have all my science credits done. I've taken Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry and Physics right now, but I really want Chemistry 2. I've also taken all my language classes 3 years of Spanish and 2 years of German, so I'm completely done except for my government class.
People looked at me weird when I said I'm going to be taking classes for all seven periods senior year especially when I'm practically done. I just really want to get those classes in because then I won't have to pay for those classes in college and I don't know what I want to do yet as a career and these classes will give me a hint of what I want to do with my life after school.