Monday, February 8, 2010

Precalculus & Physics

I really am starting to dislike Precalculus. I used to love math. I still do, but now it's tempered by an extreme dislike of sine, cosine, and tangent graphs. For tests, we have to pick which graph the equation is and I don't understand any of it. I have cliffnotes, Precalculus, Trigonometry, and Calculus and I have other help books, but I still don't understand how to graph sine, cosine, and tangent.

I am never going into anything that involves Physics. This past year I've been taking Physics and it's been a struggle. Sometimes I understand Precalculus and then I don't understand Physics and other days its the complete opposite. I understand Physics better than Precalculus right now, but you have to understand everything that can affect the problem. I'm glad I took Physics because now I know that I never want to be in a job that involves Physics.

1 comment:

Simsbumponablog said...

You never know when you'll need the info learned in a class, but I totally understand!