This photo excellently describes Eli's disillusionment withe the world which resulted from his painful experience with Nazi persecution, but also from the cruelty he sees fellow prisoners inflict on each other. Eliezer also becomes aware of the cruelty of which he himself is capable. Everything he experiences in the war shows him how horribly people can treat one another—a revelation that troubles him deeply.
Elie first witnesses inhumanity toward other humans when the Germans start shipping his town of Sighet off to the camps. The Germans put the Jews in their synagogue and keep them in their until the train comes during that time the Jews had to desecrate their own synagogue because the Germans didn't let them out. It really hit Eli though what humans can do to each other when he witnessed babies burning. He found out what he capable of when he considered leaving his father and didn't stand up for his father when the Germans were beating him.
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